— Courses
Terms and Conditions
- All prepayments for flying courses are based on the use of a PA28. The use of another aircraft will incur extra costs unless it is at the request of the school.
- All prepayments for flying course packages and flying vouchers are non-refundable. If flying vouchers purchased have not been redeemed within 6 months they will become null and void.
- Products purchased cannot be assigned to any other flying school .
- For trial lessons and air experience flights, flight time is inclusive of engine start to engine stop, blocks on to blocks off (brakes) or ingress to egress of aircraft (dependent on aircraft and experience undertaken).
- Clientele will book aircraft a minimum of 24 hours in advance. If the client fails to arrive then a no-show fee will be charged at £70 per two hour slot or part thereof. If the client wishes to cancel their flight then 48 hours notice must be given otherwise a cancellation fee of £70 will be charged per two hour slot or part thereof. This does not apply if the cancellation is a result of weather, technical or operational reasons (limited to Cranfield Airport) The no-show fee is increased to £105 for CPL/IR/IRR/MEIR/IR/FI/Night Rating.
- Packages are based on minimum required hours (e.g. CAA PPL 45 hours.). If the student exceeds the limit of the course package then further flights required to achieve the respective license will be charged at the standard school rate for the aircraft.
- The school will not be liable if booked aircraft are not available due to technical issues. The school reserves the right to re-assign/cancel lessons in that event.
- The flight will only go ahead if the weather is suitable and is considered safe. We will reschedule your flight free of charge if it is canceled due to unsuitable weather.
- The school reserves the right to exclude a student from the school/flying. This will not be unreasonably invoked.
- Detailed training records will be kept for each student carrying out a published course. These records can be inspected by the student and are subject to data protection.
- All students and hirers must be members of the flying school and fill in the required information sheet and pay the membership fee annually. The membership fee is non-refundable.
- All students and hirers must read and sign the CFS operations manual.
- All students and hirers must ensure that aircraft used should be left in the state that they would wish to find it. Cleaning windscreens of aircraft is required as part of the A check.
- Minimum hire time for an aircraft is 30min. In the event of a hire of six hours then the minimum hire charge will be three hours.
- Any hour building or hire packages purchased must be redeemed within 12 months of purchase.
- Prices for hire/lessons and courses published on the website are for guidance only. Up to date prices are displayed prominently in the school. These prices are subject to change at short notice. Advertised hiring packages are exclusive of landing fees.
- All students/hirers must follow the school policies available on request.
- Spectators are welcome and can take photographs. No photography is allowed airside.
- Any customer initiated cancellations within 7 days prior to your voucher booking will result in your voucher becoming invalid and as such you will not be able to redeem the voucher in the future.
- Failure to attend your voucher booking will result in your voucher becoming null and void.
- Any fuel purchased away from Cranfield, the maximum amount reimbursed will be £1.58 + VAT per litre.
- CFS reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary.
Last updated: June 2024.